Archibloom is a multi-disciplinary collective based in Italy between Rome and Lecce, that works across architecture, urban planning and design. Assembled in 2018 to undertake a competition in Bolivia, Archibloom has since delivered some award-winning projects at a variety of scales. A democratic and co-operative approach characterizes every built, social and research-based work, enabling us to both make things and making things happen. A fundamental theme that has always accompanied us is therefore the idea of living, meant as "being in the world". We consider living as the "way" in which the human being interfaces with the territory, its landscapes, its resources, its natural cycles, its ecosystems, its relationships. Our practices are based on research, hybridization, multidisciplinarity and coparticipation in the project. Among us there are those who have done or are doing a PhD, who are doing a II level master, not only in architecture but also in visual studies, landscape and geography, in philosophy and design, in performing arts and community spaces. As well as others of us have had important design experiences abroad, Switzerland, England, PerĂ¹. This allowed us to broaden our perspective and make ourselves contaminated by the different disciplines and the different relationships we encountered.

Francesco Scillieri

Architect, graduated in Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture in University of Roma Tre in 2012 with a thesis in collaboration with DIPSU (Department of Urban Studies) on strategies of urban densification in the intermodal exchange nodes of the municipal territory of Rome. After graduating he moved to London, where he worked as an architect in several architectural firms. Later in Lecce he worked with Francesca Melissano on the recovery of traditional buildings.

Francesca Melissano

Independent architect and researcher. In 2017 she graduates in Architecture restauration in University of Roma Tre, with an international mobility scolarsheep, with a thesis on vernacular and self-construction architecture in Peru. After graduating he attended the YAC ACADEMY school. Today she works between Lecce and Rome, where she's following the Master in performing arts PACS at RomaTre University.

Margherita Erbani

Architect and PhD student, studied at the faculty of Roma Tre where she graduated in 2017 in urban design with a thesis of territorial analysis and landscape: "Recognizing the territory, journey along the Vaccina River". During her PhD studies she cultivated her interest in territorial studies by studying the evolution of the landscape around via Tiburtina in Rome.

Edoardo Fabbri

Architect Architect and PhD student. Graduation in 2018 with a thesis on the recovery of cenobitic and mendicant heritage in Italy. In 2019 he wins a research scholarship (PON) at the Doctorate of Philosophy in Interior Architecture at the Federico II University in Naples.

Luca Petroni

Architect, he graduated in Urban Design at Roma Tre University in March 2018 with the thesis "New urban places along the Tiburtina tramway", which addresses the themes of the infrastructure and landscape design in the eastern part of Rome.
He collaborated with several architectural firms and in landscape design course in RomaTre, then he studied in MADI, master degree in architectural visualization in IUAV institute of Venice.

Maria Pone

Architect and PhD in Architectural Design. Neapolitan by birth, she graduates in 2014 in Ar-chitecture in RomaTre where, in 2019, he also obtains his doctorate of Research with a thesis on the project for collective spaces entitled "Architetture Devianti". She collaborates in teaching at Romatre's university and in some projects with the ABDR architects' office.